Women’s League

Women’s League

Community Lunch

Project Leader: Susan Brill, susanbrill5@gmail.com

Each month, on the last Wednesday from 11 am to 1 pm, we host people from Chesterland and the surrounding communities for a FREE lunch.  People eat in our fellowship hall.  We serve up to 100 people and can use help preparing the food and baking desserts

Funeral Lunches

Project Leader: Susan Brill, susanbrill52@gmail.com

This ministry provides a meal for the family and friends of a St. Mark family member who has gone “home” to the Lord. We can use help cooking, serving, and cleaning up with short notice when the need arises.

Spring Fundraiser:  BOOKS, BLOOMS, AND BAKE SALE

Project Leader: Debbie Turk Debbie.turk@yahoo.com

New this year, the weekend before Mother’s Day, we will be hosting a gently used book sale to raise funds for missions and outreach.  We will also be selling hanging baskets of blooms and homemade baked treats.  We will need people with large vehicles and the ability to lift small/medium boxes of books to pick up book donations from local churches.  We will also need volunteers to sort books, bake, and serve as cashiers at the sale.

This n’ That sale

Project Leaders: Lori Cudnik midgrade7@aol.com

Brianna McCrudden: brialicia1589@yahoo.com

Each year in September we host a multi-day in-door rummage sale, which funds our annual grant program.  We collect donations from our congregation and community, with the exception of clothes, electronics, and large furniture.  We have weekly Thursday morning ”shed parties” (work sessions to sort and price items.  We also need cashiers for the days of the sale.

Holiday Fundraiser Gift of the magi Christmas boutique

Project Leader:  Karen Rudar (k19b47@gmail.com)

Each year in early November, we host a Christmas boutique which funds our annual grants and special church projects.  It is a juried event with homemade items from approximately 30 vendors. We also have a “Christmas Room” in which we sell gently used Christmas ornaments and home décor.  We also sell gently used Christmas/New Year “bling-type” jewelry.  Volunteers are needed to craft, bake, prepare and sell lunch, and serve as cashier on the days of the sale.