Past Events (Page 3)

Past Events (Page 3)

Aug 25, 2023

Potluck Picnic and a Movie

 Potluck Picnic & Movie this Friday! Open to the entire community!! Bring a dish to pass, chairs for the family, and plan to have a fun time on Friday, August 25th at 6:30! At St. Mark Movie is Aladdin staring Will Smith See you there!
Jul 24 – 28, 2023

Vaction Bible School

Register now for a Stellar experience: at this year’s Vacation Bible school. July 24-28 will be when we take off into space and have an out of this world adventure that’s light years of faith building fun. Sign up online at Calling all Astronauts: You can explore space as a volunteer at this year’s Vacation Bible School. Many hands make light work and there are jobs for everyone. Do you like to play games – come lead a game…
May 13, 2023

Mother’s day Tea

It’’s time for our annual Mother’s Day tea!!! This year will be themed “Sips and Blooms” a delightful time of flower arranging and lunch. The event will be on Saturday, May 13, 2023, beginning promptly at 11:00 am and ending at 1:00 pm. Please sign up on the bulletin board and have your payment  to Diana Monaghan or Jamie Nicoletti by April 30th. The cost of the tea is $20.00. Each lady attending will take home a flower arrangement she has created.  We look forward to a time of fun, fellowship,…
Apr 2, 2023

Palm Sunday

Please join us for worship as we start our journey through Holy Week. Below is the worship schedule (* indicates the service will be livestreamed) Palm Sunday, 4/2 – 8:00am and 10:15am*Maundy Thursday, 4/6 – 11:30am* and 7:30pm* Good Friday, 4/7 – 12:00pm* and 7:30pm*Easter Sunday, 4/9 – 7:00am*, 9:00am*, and 11:00am”
Mar 15, 2023

Choir Concert

 On March 15 at 7:30pm we will be treated to a concert by the Concordia University Wisconsin Kammerchor Choir. Our own Annie Ryan is part of this group. Rev. Eric Kolonich from CUW will also be here to answer question or tell you more about what Concordia has to offer. Join us for this special evening!
Mar 4, 2023

Ladies Luncheon

On Saturday, March 4th at 12 Noon, the Annual St. Mark Ladies Luncheon will be held in St. Mark’s fellowship hall. It will be catered by Corners Catering from Mantua at the cost of $10 per person. This is a reminder to make your paid reservation to Sue Brill by February 25th. Join us for food, fun, and fellowship. Questions? Please contact Sue Brill
Oct 10, 2022

Operation Christmas Child Packing Party

                Our packing party will be held in the Fellowship Hall on Monday, October 10th. This will be a drop-in event from 6:30-8:30 pm. Come at whatever time you can and pack for as long as you like. We have been blessed with a lot of donated items and could use many hands. Dessert will be served. RSVP to Debbie Turk is encouraged, but not required.
Jun 16, 2022

St. Mark Blood Drive

Red Cross Blood Drive Our next blood drive is on Wednesday, April 20th from 1-6pm. You can sign up for a time at sponsor code stmarkchest. Contact Bill Tritt or the church office, 440-729–1668 with any questions.