Great things are happening…
The weekly Jr. High and High School Youth Group is starting on October 16 at 6:00 p.m. and we need your help.
Do you have a passion to walk beside the youth and support and guide them through these teen years? Can you help pour into them the simple message that God loves them – no matter how they see themselves? Can you help guide them as they make caring and supportive connections with each other in small group settings? Jesus is moving in the lives of these children – come be His hands and feet. Join Him in this work and be amazed at His accomplishments.
An information gathering meeting is scheduled for Sunday, October 2 at 6:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Please join us as we discuss the goals and plans of this group and how you can become a part of this movement!
Please contact Chris Ryan with any questions or for more information.
(440) 264-3825 (call or text).