Commitment Sunday, October 11th As part of our efforts to be good stewards, each year we ask you, as the body of Christ, to complete a Commitment Form identifying ministries you want to participate in during the coming year. As with many things, the pandemic has stretched us to find new ways of doing things.
The St. Mark Ministry Guide, showing all the ministries at St. Mark and who to contact is available in the church office. This resource can also be emailed to you. Please email Kim at and request one.
The commitment form can be found by clicking here: After praying for the Holy Spirit’s help, please click those areas of service that match your interests/talents. You will be contacted in the coming weeks for a follow-up. The last page is a confidential anonymous Financial Commitment form. Only the Financial Secretary will receive this information. Please prayerfully consider your monetary gift/tithe as you generously return your first fruits to the Lord. Paper copies of the commitment forms can be returned at any time to the church office.