worship (Page 3)

worship (Page 3)

Confirmation 2021

St. Mark is happy to announce that Nathan Ryan was confirmed at St. Mark on May 2, 2021. Nathan spoke at both services about his faith and received the sacrament of Holy Communion surrounded by family friends and his fellow members at St. Mark.

Vicar Ryan takes next step to Ordination

Vicar Chris Ryan is involved in Seminary training from Concordia Seminary In St. Louis Mo., to become a Pastor at St. Mark. His training is through the Specific Ministry Pastor program. The Specific Ministry Pastor Program is a distance-based, specialized program of theological education available at both seminaries. It is available to those involved in a ministry site where they will serve as vicars for the first two years of the program. After successful completion of the first two years and…

confirmation 2020

On October 18, St. Mark class of 2020 made their Confirmation at the 10 am service. Congratulations to our St. Mark confirmands!

New Members at St. Mark !!

The members of St. Mark invited 15 new members into their fellowship on Jan. 12, 2020! Introduced at each of the 3 Sunday morning services, they had recently completed the “Life with God “class taught by Pastor Ken Welsh. A breakfast attended by the new members along with many of the members of the St. Mark Church Council and Board of Elders was provided by the St. Mark Women’s League. If you would like to know more about the Lutheran…

Well Done Ken Welsh and Sue Brill

This summer marked 2 significant milestones at St. Mark. Pastor Ken Welsh, Associate Pastor and Treasurer Sue Brill retired from their respective positions at St. Mark. Both members of St. Mark for over 50 years, Pastor Ken and Sue have and will continue to joyfully serve at St. Mark. Both Pastor Ken and Sue were honored at 2 separate events both during a Sunday service and at a banquet in Fellowship Hall following the church services. Family, friends, relatives and…

New Member Welcome Breakfast

On Sunday, July 28, 2019, St. Mark welcomed nine new members into their fellowship. They were recognized at the 9:30 service and were treated to a breakfast provided by the St. Mark Women’s league. The breakfast was attended by both St. Mark Pastors, Pastor Matzke, and Pastor Welsh as well as Deacon Chris Ryan. Many of the elders and church officers were at breakfast to welcome the new members. Pastor Welsh hosts a “Life with God Class” that explains the…

St. Mark Women’s Retreat 2019

On Saturday, March 16, 2019, the St. Mark Women’s League held their annual retreat. The event was open to all women, not just St. Mark members. The Reverend Mark Matzke, Pastor at St. Mark gave the opening presentation, highlighting the theme, “Let God Be Your GPS.” A number of speakers presented during the day followed by discussion sessions. Lunch was served. It was a delightful day for all that attended.

LWML Prayer Service at St. Mark

The Northeast Zone of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League(LWML) held a prayer service on February 9th at St. Mark. The prayer service was written by Rev. Allen D. Anderson, past president of the Rocky Mountain District of The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. Pastor Kevin Guynn, Northeast Zone Counselor, gave the message. During a luncheon hosted by the St. Mark LWML chapter, Jackie Rychel, president of Ministry In Mission, gave a presentation on the progress and completion of the Elderly Christian…

St. Mark Picnic 2018

On June 3, 2018,  the members of St. Mark met in our sanctuary for one service at 10:am. The sanctuary was full as our voices razed the roof in song and we as brothers and sisters in Christ participated in the Sacrament of the Altar (Communion). After worship we met in the St. Mark Pavilion for food , fellowship and games. All ages from seniors to young families with babies and young adults had an awesome time. Thanks to all…


 Summer Worship Schedule  Beginning June 10, there will be two worship services each Sunday.  8:15 a.m. will continue to be the  traditional Lutheran Litugical  service;   9:45 a.m. will alternate between The Gathering (Hymns and Contemporary “Praise” Music) and the contemporary service (Contemporary “Praise” Music).    The 9:45 a.m. service on  June 10 will be the  contemporary format