LWML (Page 2)

LWML (Page 2)

St. Mark Women’s Retreat 2019

On Saturday, March 16, 2019, the St. Mark Women’s League held their annual retreat. The event was open to all women, not just St. Mark members. The Reverend Mark Matzke, Pastor at St. Mark gave the opening presentation, highlighting the theme, “Let God Be Your GPS.” A number of speakers presented during the day followed by discussion sessions. Lunch was served. It was a delightful day for all that attended.

LWML Prayer Service at St. Mark

The Northeast Zone of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League(LWML) held a prayer service on February 9th at St. Mark. The prayer service was written by Rev. Allen D. Anderson, past president of the Rocky Mountain District of The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. Pastor Kevin Guynn, Northeast Zone Counselor, gave the message. During a luncheon hosted by the St. Mark LWML chapter, Jackie Rychel, president of Ministry In Mission, gave a presentation on the progress and completion of the Elderly Christian…
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