Family (Page 8)

Family (Page 8)

A Celebration of Mothers

On Saturday May 7, 2016 the St. Mark Women’s League sponsored a luncheon that celebrated mothers day. It was great to see all he moms and their kids. Entertainment was provided by the “Cordials”, a 4 part a cappella quartet

Look who showed up at Preschool Chapel Today

Frederick the Fish was today's @Stmarkchester preschool chapel buddy. He prefers water…where are you most at home? — Mark Matzke (@ReverendMatzke) April 13, 2016

A Weekend of Ministry, Fellowship, Worship and FUN!!

This past weekend was very active for the members of St. Mark . The Youth along with a number of adults boarded the St. Mark Bus and served the needy at Building Hope in the City an outreach of Trinity Lutheran In Cleveland Thanks to Jeff Atchley for some great pictures   Saturday Evening The St. Mark Fellowship Committee sponsored a get together dinner at the Oak and Embers Restaurant in Chesterland Palm Sunday Featured a debt reduction breakfast sponsored by…

Pastor Matzke on twitter

Is there a better way to begin a Wednesday than reading to @Stmarkchester preschoolers? No, there isn't. — Mark Matzke (@ReverendMatzke) January 20, 2016

Rev. Mark Matzke to be installed at St. Mark

You are invited to worship and celebrate with St. Mark Lutheran Church as The Rev. Mark Matzke Is installed as Senior Pastor Sunday, January 10, 2016 3:00 p.m. 11900 Chillicothe Road Chesterland, Ohio Presiding Minister: Rev. Donald Beaumont Vice President, Ohio District-LCMS Please call the church office at 440-729-1668 to confirm your attendance

St. Mark Christmas Pageant 2015

The awesome St. Mark Christmas Pageant took place during the 11 am service on December 20,2015 ! Many thanks to the children, parents and ladies that made all new costumes for the pageant. click on the picture above to see our Pageant Page

A Brief Advent Devotion for the Family Table

The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod  suggests the following Advent Devotion for use at home. Family members may take turns reading the prophesy for each day from Nov. 29 to Dec. 23. Download PDF