Family (Page 6)

Family (Page 6)

2017 Youth Group Christmas Party

On Sunday evening Dec. 17, 2017 the Youth Group had their Christmas party in fellowship hall, featuring a live animated Christmas tree (Chris Ryan) and one of Santa’s elves (Tom Holt). Thanks to Kim Ryan and Donna Robinson for the pics

Bill Maiden Honored by University Hospitals

On Monday Dec. 11, 2017 Bill Maiden, a long time St. Mark member was honored for his service in the military by University Hospital Hospice. Bill was presented with a pin and certificate honoring his military service in the United States Marine Corps. Bill told the group about his growing up as a youth in Alabama through his service to the United States as a Marine in World War II. He also led a stirring rendition of “God Bless America,”.…

November Community Lunch

Nov 30, 2017 was Turkey Day for the community surrounding St. Mark. Home made turkey stuffing casserole was the main course at the St. Mark monthly community free lunch. Fellowship Hall was full of laughter and conversations , the St. Mark bus “Prayforce One” brought people from the West Geauga Senior Center, food and friendship was the order of the day. The next community lunch will be Dec.27! Mark your calendars and celebrate Christmas with us.

St. Mark Celebrates Bill Maiden at 95

Often described as the “Spiritual Soul” of the St. Mark congregation, Bill Maiden had his 95th birthday celebrated on Sunday Nov. 27 in the St. Mark Fellowship Hall. For those of you that don’t know Bill listen to the “Voices of Faith” interview by Pastor Matzke below. The members of St. Mark love and cherish Bill. We are grateful for his living faith that he shares with all that he come in  contact with.

Honoring Service, Serving the Needy, Fellowship, Bibles for Kids

The weekend ending on Sunday Sept 24, was a busy time at St. Mark. Hildred Tornberg, the longtime church organist retired from playing the organ. Hildred will still direct the choir. The congregation appreciates  her years of service and dedication to excellence in music at St. Mark . Satuday we served a meal those in need at Building Hope In The City(BHIC), the urban outreach of Trinity Lutheran on the near west Side of Cleveland. St. Mark serves a meal…

Youth Group starts their new calendar year

The St. Mark Youth Group started  a new year on Rally Day on Sept 10, 2017 ! A lot is happening this year, mission trips, fundraisers  as well the fun and lasting friendships that happens at these events. Youth Group meets at 6 pm Sunday nights

St. Mark – Chesterland Independence Day Parade

The largest group ever, participated in the 2017 Chesterland Independence Day Parade . Led by our Praise Team, the St. Mark Float again featured live music. The eclectic group of Pastors, Youth Leaders, Youth Group members, and  Senior Citizens from St. Mark tossed flying discs to the crowd as well as passing out “We are Family” stickers and bookmarks highlighting the new family ministry at St. Mark. Special thank to Onderdonk Sons roofing for the use of their flatbed trailer

June Community Lunch

The weather was beautiful, the temperature was moderate for the St. Mark June Community (free) lunch.” Prayer Force One,” the St. Mark church bus headed to the Chesterland Geauga County Senior Center to transport hungry seniors to the lunch. Chicken Pasta Salad, Pea Salad, Rolls, Watermelon, Deviled Eggs and Desserts were the fare of the day. Fellowship, great conversation and fun were had by all. On the last Wednesday of each month St. Mark holds a community free lunch from…

A Weekend of Plants and Fairy Gardens at St. Mark

Friday night, May 19, 2017 , St. Mark hosted the annual plant sale preview party with a silent auction and a Chinese auction . Pastor Mark did great job as MC..  The venue featured great food & beautiful plants.  It was a rainy evening so the Classic Car Show was cancelled. Saturday, the plant sale continued with sunny skies.  Grilled hamburgers and hot dogs were the fare of the day for our guests.  Marilyn Meyerholt and her assistants held  a Fairy…

Holy Week Highlights

Selected Highlights from Holy Week at St. Mark Palm Sunday- Easter Egg Hunt, Christian Seder, Pastor Matzke – Good Friday Sermon, Easter Sunday – Contemporary Service thanks to Donna Toth and Bruce Robinson for the photos

Easter Baskets for Foster Kids

Every Year St. Mark prepares Easter Baskets as gifts for kids in foster families through Geauga Jobs and Family Services. This Year we have prepared well over 100 baskets. Monica McGurer who co-ordinates this effort, brings empty baskets to church and church members take them home and fill them. Each basket is unique and hand filled by St. Mark members. Monica loads them in a vehicle and takes them to Geauga Jobs and Family Services for distribution. Monica wanted me…