Evangelism (Page 2)

Evangelism (Page 2)

Back to Church Sunday

Sept. 17, 2023 is National Back to Church Sunday. St. Mark is participating! Invite a friend, relative, or neighbor, to church with you. They need Jesus Christ continually in their lives. If they don’t know who Jesus is, they will find out through the Good News that is proclaimed by Pastor Mark and Pastor Chris on Each Sunday. They will also feel the love of Jesus through the members of our congregation who love and care for one another. Romans…

August Men’s Breakfast

The St. Mark monthly men’s breakfast met at Coffee Works in downtown Chesterland on Au. 12, 2023. The accommodations were tight due to the large attendance, but we managed to sit elbow to elbow and enjoyed fellowship and a presentation by St. Mark member David Greishammer. David emphasized the blood of Christ that was spent on the cross for us all and quoted a number of scripture verses that emphasized that fact. A well-participated in discussion followed on how we…

Serving those in Need

On Saturday, July 15, 2023, St. Mark members hosted a fried chicken dinner for those in need in the Ohio City neighborhood of Cleveland, Ohio. The social hall at Trinity Lutheran Church was the venue. St. Mark serves this meal monthly, which has become a great opportunity to share the Good News of Jesus Christ along with the meal. St. Mark members also bring donated clothes for the Trinity clothing store and food for their food pantry. The message this…

Kiwanis 4th of July Parade

St. Mark members loaded their instruments on a flatbed trailer and shared the Good News of Jesus Christ in song along the parade route of the West Geauga Kiwanis 4th of July Parade. Members of the congregation marched next to the float and tossed out “flying discs” to the crowd that featured information about St. Mark and the upcoming Vacation Bible School. Thanks to all who participated, and many thanks to the West Geauga Kiwanis for sponsoring this annual parade.…

Sharing The Good News Tailgate

On Saturday, April 15 , 2023 , members of St. Mark’s outreach team held a baseball tailgate in front of Trinity Lutheran Church in Ohio City. We served Hot Dogs, “Grandma’s” macaroni salad, Cracker Jack and delicious chocolate chip cookies. David Grieshammer, a member of St. Mark gave his testimony about how he came to know Jesus Christ and said a prayer before the meal. St. Mark serves a meal to the homeless and disadvantaged at Trinity Lutheran on the…

“Love ” Sagna at Trinity Lutheran

February’s meal served at Trinity Lutheran in Ohio City by members of St. Mark featured a Valentine’s Day theme. We also brought clothing donations for the Trinity clothing ministry and food staples for the Trinity food pantry. We served “Love ” Sagna, Italian cut green beens, rolls, and butter along with two special cakes that highlighted John 3:16 from the Bible. The message was based on John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son,…

January COMMUNITY Lunch

St. Mark Women’s League host a free lunch on the last Wednesday of every month in the St. Mark Fellowship Hall. On a cold and wintry January 26 late morning and early afternoon, a number of hearty souls ventured out to St. Mark for a delicious lunch of ham sliders, cheesy pasta, fruit cups and assorted desserts. Two young men, Tanis and Thomas, came all the way from the Harvard and Lee neighborhood of the city of Cleveland. Great conversation…

Lutheran East Students Partner with St. Mark

On January 21, 2023, Students from Lutheran East High School partnered with the members of St. Mark and served a meal to the homeless and needy at the Trinity Lutheran social hall in Ohio City. St. Mark members provided a well-received meal of fried chicken, mac and cheese, and peas with cookies for dessert. The Lutheran East students served the meal. The Lutheran East students also provided care packages to our guests that included, toothbrushes, toothpaste, bandaids, alcohol wipe, beef…

Welcome New Members

On December 4, 2022, St. Mark welcomed new members to our congregation! They were introduced to the congregation at both our 8:00 am and 10:15 services by Pastor Ken Welsh who teaches our “Life With God Class” a study for those wishing to investigate the teaching of the Lutheran Church and possibly wishing to become members. After the introductions board members of the church council gave short presentations to the group, highlighting how they could take advantage of the opportunities…

Gift of the Magi Boutique-Recap

St. Mark members reached out to the communities we serve through our Christmas Boutique! Local merchants along with our St. Mark women’s league members displayed and sold one-of-a-kind Christmas gifts. Wendy Zimmerman, Praise team leader at St. Mark, provided live Christmas music. Scrumptious food was served, especially at the Friday night preview party. IT IS THE HOPE OF OUR MEMBERS AT ST. MARK THAT THOSE ENTERING OUR CHURCH FOR THESE EVENTS WILL COME TO A SAVING RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS CHRIST.…

September Mens Breakfast

Thank You, Guido’s in downtown Chesterland for providing a venue for our monthly men’s breakfast. And thank you, Versare Café and Market across from Guido’s for providing a delicious breakfast. Dave Onysko, who gives our monthly message at the St. Mark Ministry at Trinity Lutheran Ohio City, is an expert on the Shroud of Turin, the burial cloth of Jesus that contains His image. Citing facts, locations, history, science, and forensics, Dave made a riveting case for the authenticity of…