Posts by rychel (Page 18)

Posts by rychel (Page 18)

St. Mark Chesterland joins hurricane relief

St. Mark joined with Ministry In Mission, a Recognized Service Organization of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS), to help provide relief supplies for hurricane relief.  St. Mark members loaded the St. Mark church bus, “Prayer Force One” with palettes of freeze dried food, bags of pet food, diapers and cleaning supplies. On Wednesday Sept. 6,  the bus headed south to Caldwell Ohio and delivered the supplies to The Harp Mission,(HARP) a service organization recommended by Rev. Terry Cripe, Ohio…

August 2017 Community Lunch

Each month St. Mark opens the doors of our “Fellowship Hall” to the Chesterland and surrounding community for a free community lunch. August featured sloppy joes, cole slaw, fruit salad, desserts and chips. The event takes place on the last Wednesday of the month. Transportation is available from the Chesterland Geauga Senior Center on the St. Mark Church Bus “Prayer Force One”

3 Worship Services – Sunday School – Bible Studies start Sept 10

Our  Worship Styles and Sunday Christian Education 8:15 AM A traditional Liturgical Service Featuring all-time favorite hymns that Christians have enjoyed for generations 9:45 AM Sunday School  and Bible Classes 9:45 AM The “Gathering”, a blended worship service combines traditional hymns and contemporary music. 11:00 AM A “contemporary” service featuring “Praise” music in a less formal setting Holy Communion is celebrated on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Sunday of the month All Services feature Scripture readings, prayer and a thoughtful…

August Men’s Breakfast

Ryan Jensen, missionary to Northern China, was the guest speaker at the August St. Mark monthly men’s breakfast. Ryan, who grew up in the Chesterland area, highlighted his experiences in China and spoke about a specific opportunity he had to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with a family in China. Ryan answered ,many questions about his experience in China. The St. Mark men’s group meets on the first Saturday of the month at Rise and Dine Cafe in…

Serving at Building Hope In The City- July 2017

Every month St. Mark members board “Prayer Force One” , the St. Mark Church Bus and head to Trinity Lutheran Church on Cleveland s near west side to serve a meal, bring clothes for their clothing outreach and bring canned goods and other food to help with their food pantry. Our goal is to show the love of our risen savior , Jesus Christ to these people so that they will be drawn to Him. July featured a light fare…

St. Mark – Chesterland Independence Day Parade

The largest group ever, participated in the 2017 Chesterland Independence Day Parade . Led by our Praise Team, the St. Mark Float again featured live music. The eclectic group of Pastors, Youth Leaders, Youth Group members, and  Senior Citizens from St. Mark tossed flying discs to the crowd as well as passing out “We are Family” stickers and bookmarks highlighting the new family ministry at St. Mark. Special thank to Onderdonk Sons roofing for the use of their flatbed trailer

July Men’s Breakfast

On the first day of July 2017, Rise and Dine Cafe in downtown Chesterland hosted the St. Mark monthly men’s breakfast. It is an informal gathering of men that meet to have breakfast and hear a short presentation by men from all walks of life.  This month’s speaker was Rev. Greg Glodkowski from Chester Christian Center. Pastor Greg  spoke on the Old Testament  book of Proverbs and related it to how relevant it could be to our friendships today. The…

June Community Lunch

The weather was beautiful, the temperature was moderate for the St. Mark June Community (free) lunch.” Prayer Force One,” the St. Mark church bus headed to the Chesterland Geauga County Senior Center to transport hungry seniors to the lunch. Chicken Pasta Salad, Pea Salad, Rolls, Watermelon, Deviled Eggs and Desserts were the fare of the day. Fellowship, great conversation and fun were had by all. On the last Wednesday of each month St. Mark holds a community free lunch from…

Carducci – Shulman Wedding at St. Mark

On May 27th Caitlin Carducci and Dennis Shulman we’re married at St Mark.  Caitlin is the daughter of Joseph and Charlotte Carducci. Their reception was held in fellowship hall. The Carduccis are members at St. Mark and the entire congregation wishes the newlyweds and their families God’s blessings. Pastor Mark  Matske, Senior Pastor at St. Mark  and celebrant at the wedding mentioned how special it was to have members of the congregation help with the wedding so that everything went as…

June Men’s Breakfast

Rise and Dine Diner in downtown Chesterland is a happening place. It’s also the location for the monthly St. Mark men’s breakfast. Each month the men of St. Mark meet for an informal breakfast and listen to a short presentation from various speakers from all walks of life. This month our own Pastor Ken Welsh led a presentation on sharing the Gospel, the GOOD NEWS of Jesus Christ. In a step by step logical message Pastor Ken outlined the path…

May Free Community Lunch at St. Mark

A beautiful sunny last day of May, 2017 was the setting for the monthly St. Mark Free Community Lunch. Chef Meister grilled hamburgers and hot dogs and the ladies of the St. Mark Women’s league served sides of delicious potato salad and watermelon. Home made desserts were also very popular with our guests. Prayer Force One, the St. Mark church bus made its usual run to the Geauga Senior Center to pick up  the fun bunch of seniors. The next lunch will be…

Summer Schedule Begins June 4, 2017

Summer Worship Schedule Beginning June 4, 2017 There will be two worship services each Sunday. 8:15 a.m. will continue to be the traditional service; 9:45 a.m. will alternate between The Gathering and the contemporary service. The 9:45 a.m. service on June 4 will be the Gathering format.