

Midweek Lenten Services -take place on Wednesdays at 11:30am and 7:00pm to accommodate all schedules. The theme this year is “Witnesses to the Passion.” Why not take a pause in the busyness of life to consider the Passion of Our Lord from the perspective of those who witnessed it?

There are Still a Few Easter Baskets to Fill! Pick up one of the remaining baskets and return them NO LATER than April 6th. There are color pages, plastic Eggs and bubbles if you would like them for your basket. We are concentrating on School age children and teens this year. Monetary donations can be made in lieu of a basket. Money can be given to Monica McGurer or put in her mailbox.

Easter Lily Order Forms- are now on the Welcome table. Help decorate the sanctuary for Easter and remember a loved one by placing your order for the beautiful lilies. Books, Blooms, and Bake Sale Update: Thank you to Rob & Briana McCrudden, Rick Huston, and Ray Haserodt, who volunteered their time and vehicles to pick up hundreds of books last Sunday from Our Redeemer Lutheran in Solon and unload them at St. Mark. We still need volunteers for our planned pick up at Kirtland Christian Fellowship Church on Sunday, March 30 at 12:30pm. The address is 10001 Chillicothe Rd , which is located a few minutes down the road from our church. Sign-up in the church hallway. Don’t Forget the Blooms: Besides the books and the bakery the Women’s League Spring Fundraiser will be selling Hanging Baskets or Blooms for $25.00 each! The order forms will be available on the table in the narthex on Sunday, April 6. All orders need to be given to Lee Stone or the secretary by Sunday, April 27. Baskets will be available for pick up on Fri, May 2 at noon or Sat, May 3 at 9 am. Since Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 11 we will have a few hanging baskets available on Saturday, May 10 at the Mother’s Day luncheon and of course on Mother’s Day. Pre-orders are strongly encouraged to ensure you get a basket.

St. Mark’s Book Club: April 9th’s book will be The Letter Tree by Rachel Fordham. Join us as we discuss this book that has been described as “Romeo and Juliet meets You’ve Got Mail.” We will be meeting at 1 p.m. in St. Mark’s Fellowship Hall (not the small dining room). Feel free to pack a lunch and join us after the midday, midweek Lenten Service at 12:30pm for extra fun. Please contact Sue Matzke for a copy of the book or with any questions. Bring a friend or two!

Bakers Needed. At the end of April we will need baked goods for both our Community Lunch and for our Books, Blooms, and Bake Sale. Therefore, we are hoping that some “newbies” will consider baking to help spread out the workload. If you aren’t sure what to bake or how to package it, please contact Jackie Rychel regarding the Community Lunch or Gayle Fecsik regarding the B3 Sale. Sign-up in the church hallway.

Opportunity Rings: We have 4 openings in the bell choir, and we would love to have you join us! Contact Leah Spisak, Clayton Heuer or Becky Wright to express your interest or get more information.