On December 21, 2019, members of St. Mark joined in a caravan of cars led by the St. Mark church bus “Prayer Force One” to Trinity Lutheran in Ohio City to hold a joint Chrismas Party for the homeless and needy.
St. Mark members collected hygiene supplies over the previous 3 weeks and members of the Tuesday Morning Bible study at St. Mark assembled them in Christmas gift bags. Members of St. Mark also served a meal that included homemade Christmas cookies.
Trinity members decorated the social hall and contributed food to the meal. Trinity also brought Christmas gifts and held a gift raffle that drew a lot of excitement from those attending
The story of the birth of Jesus Christ was read by a Trinity member which concluded with an evangelistic message. Santa Claus aka St. Nicholas made an appearance and explained why he was a Saint, by the life death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and noted the other Saints in the audience.
Thanks to all that participated. An awesome time was had by all and the Good News of Jesus Christ was proclaimed!
Thanks to Kim Ryan for the great pictures