Register now for a Stellar experience: at this year’s Vacation Bible school. July 24-28 will be when we take off into space and have an out of this world adventure that’s light years of faith building fun. Sign up online at
Calling all Astronauts: You can explore space as a volunteer at this year’s Vacation Bible School. Many hands make light work and there are jobs for everyone. Do you like to play games – come lead a game for the groups. Are you creative – how about helping with the decorations? Maybe your talent is in the kitchen – join the snack station crew. Perhaps your child feels they have aged out of VBS, can they serve as a group leader or helper in any of the areas. Publicity, Audio/Visual and Registration all need volunteers. Check out the bulletin board across from the coat racks and sign up today. Help launch our kids on a cosmic quest where they’ll have a blast shining Jesus’ light to the World. Contact Annie Ryan for more information.