On January 21, 2023, Students from Lutheran East High School partnered with the members of St. Mark and served a meal to the homeless and needy at the Trinity Lutheran social hall in Ohio City.
St. Mark members provided a well-received meal of fried chicken, mac and cheese, and peas with cookies for dessert. The Lutheran East students served the meal.
The Lutheran East students also provided care packages to our guests that included, toothbrushes, toothpaste, bandaids, alcohol wipe, beef stick, granola bars, snack mix, peanuts, peanut butter crackers, oatmeal, socks, *and pads if for women.
St. Mark members also brought can goods and other staples to help furnish the Trinity Lutheran Food Pantry and also donated clothes to help with the Trinity clothing ministry.
Before dinner, a message was presented that shared the GOOD NEWS OF JESUS CHRIST.
St. Mark is grateful for all the help given by the students and is also grateful to Trinity Lutheran for hosting this opportunity to serve those in need.