June Men’s Breakfast

June Men’s Breakfast

June 1, 2019 was the date for our St. Mark monthly men’s breakfast. The Rise and Dine Cafe in downtown Chesterland is the venue. A great breakfast with eggs, bacon sausage, French toast and fried potatoes is the typical fare with lots of coffee.

This month’s speaker was Leonard Lowe who has a passion for life, particularly the lives of the unborn. Leonard gave a passionate presentation. He highlighted the support the Missouri Synod Lutheran Church, particularly Synod President, Rev. Matthew Harrison has for the Pro-Life movement.

The St. Mark men meet at Rise and Dine on the first Saturday of each month. July 6, is the next date. Breakfast starts at 9:00 am and is typically done by 10:15. You don’t have to be a St. Mark member to attend and first-time attendees eat free. Call Ron Cudnik at 440-338-3735.


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