Posts from 2025
WEDNESDAYS 11:30 AM AND 7:00 PM 7:00 pm services will be live-streamed The Lenten season invites Christians to reflect on the account of Jesus’ suffering and crucifixion. Forty six days after it begins on Ash Wednesday (forty days plus Sundays), Christians gather on Easter Sunday to celebrate the triumph of Jesus’ resurrection and the hope it beings to all who believe. All four Gospel writers—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—devote a substantial portion of their account of Jesus’ life to the…
March 5 2025 11:30 am and 7 pm LENT 2025: Witnesses to the Passion The Lenten season invites Christians to reflect on the account of Jesus’ suffering and crucifixion. Forty six days after it begins on Ash Wednesday (forty days plus Sundays), Christians gather on Easter Sunday to celebrate the triumph of Jesus’ resurrection and the hope it beings to all who believe. All four Gospel writers—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—devote a substantial portion of their account of Jesus’ life…
ENCOURAGE ONE ANOTHER : FIRST THESSALONIANS Led by Pastor Matzke in Fellowship Hall 11 am Tuesdays NEW TUESDAY BIBLE STUDY: Beginning Tuesday, Feb 25, 2025, please join us for “Encourage One Another”: A look at the New Testament book of First Thessalonians and how we can apply it to encouraging one another on our faith Journey
On February 15, 2025, St. Mark hosted a prayer service for the Northeast Zone Lutheran Women In Mission (LWML) members. The inspiring service featured awesome singing and heartfelt prayer. A fun skit featuring some LWML ladies was also included A luncheon in St. Mark Fellowship hall followed.
Books, Blooms, and Bake Sale
Coming In May!!!!
January Community Lunch
Wednesday January 29, The St. Mark Women’s League held their monthly free Community Lunch in the St. Mark Fellowship Hall. Potato Soup, ham and cheese sliders, and a wide assortment of delicious homemade desserts were served. The community lunch is served on the last Wednesday of each month and has become a favorite gathering place for members of Chesterland and surrounding communities. The lunch is served fro 11 am to 1 pm. You don’t have to be member to attend.…
New!! St. Mark Church Store
Use your wardrobe as tool to share the Good News with those you come in contact with